How can I set up an interview with a candidate and my team members?

Once you've got your short list of candidates, it is time to set up interviews! You can quickly schedule interviews with the candidate and your fellow team members from within the candidate's profile!

How can I set up the interview?

  • Click on "Candidates" on the left bar of your Trakstar Hire screen

  • Click the name of the candidate you'd like to set up an interview with

  • From within the candidate's profile, click on the "Interview" icon within the stage. Note - if this is a preconfigured interview stage, you will also have a more prominent interview button.

  • The interview dialog box will display for creating the interview information

  • You can choose the medium for your interview (phone call, in person, Sykpe, etc) as well as fill out any necessary details for this type of interview (phone number, meeting location, Skype ID, etc). These options are not direct integrations with these platforms - we provide you with the spot to share these details with your interviewers and candidates once you pick the appropriate option. 
  • Need to do it via Zoom? Connect Hire and your Zoom account now!

Note - the details (phone number, meeting location, Skype ID) are required fields if the interview is marked as "Confirmed" (below) and not required if the interview is marked as "To be confirmed by candidate."

  • Next you can invite your colleagues to the interview! You can invite Trakstar Hire users by simply typing in their name, or you can add non-users by typing in their email address. Adding a non-user's email address will create a "Hiring Team Member" profile for them. This grants them view-only mode to a candidate's profile!

Don't add the candidate's email here - we'll do that in just a bit.

  • Next you will choose the date and time for the interview. If you click into the "Start Time" box the calendar will appear.

*Need to set up an interview for a duration not listed (such as an hour and 45 minutes)? Type in 1 hour 45 minutes in the 'Duration' box!

Would you like candidates to self-select interview times from empty slots on your calendar? We've got that too! Click here!

  • If you have your calendars synced (more on that below) you can also check on the availability of your colleagues by clicking "View/Edit Slot" from within the interview setup page

  • You also have the option to mark the interview as private. Private interviews are seen only by Super Admin users, Job Admins for the Opening, and those users who are invited to the interview.
  • You can also mark the interview as confirmed, or to be confirmed by the candidate. This is handy when you're waiting to hear back from the candidate regarding their availability.

  • The "Additional Info" box allows you to add free text notes regarding the interview. These are for your internal team - they don't go to the candidate.

  • Below the interview setup, you have the option to write to the candidate to tell them about the interview. Should you wish to not write to the candidate, you can toggle this to "Disabled."   We automatically send your users invites to the interview upon saving the interview setup. 

  • At the bottom of the candidate message you can click the placeholder icon { } to insert specific interview details into the message body.
  • Once you're done, click "Send message" if you would like to email the candidate. An invite to any interviewers you added has already been sent.
  • The interview details will now display in the candidate's profile under the right side Timeline section. To edit the interview, click the menu button (three vertical dots)

  • The candidate message (if sent) will display in the Emails tab of the profile

The candidate just wrote back to confirm the time, how do I change the interview to "Confirmed"?

  • From within the candidate's timeline, click on the menu button (three vertical dots) at the top right of the scheduled interview, and choose "Confirm Interview"

Can I include a calendar appointment in the message I send to the candidate?

Yes! When you create an interview that is marked as "Confirmed" the calendar invite will automatically display at the bottom of the candidate message. If you don't want to include it you can click the X to delete it out of the message.

  • Alternatively, you can manually include the ICS file by clicking the calendar icon near the bottom of the message window. You will be prompted to select an upcoming interview.

  • When this message comes across in the candidate's email, it displays as a calendar invite for their particular calendar type (gmail, outlook, etc).

How can I leave feedback about the candidate?

When you are ready to leave feedback about a candidate you can easily do so from the interview section of the candidate profile.

Note - only users invited to the interview will be able to leave feedback.

  • Once the interview has occurred, from within the candidate's profile in the right side Timeline section, you will see any current interviews with evaluations pending:

  • You can also click to the candidate's "Feedback" tab to see pending and completed evaluations:

  • Now you can fill out your evaluation

  • Completed evaluations will be shown on the candidate's profile. Click "View details" in the Feedback tab to see the full comments given by the interviewer:

Yes! You can remind folks manually, or automatically.  Learn more here.

Can others see when I am free or busy for interview scheduling? Can Trakstar Hire send scheduled interview appointments to my calendar?

Yes! You can sync your calendar with Trakstar Hire. Once you have done this, your colleagues will be able to see when you're Free/Busy when they are picking a time for an interview you are invited to. Trakstar Hire will also send the calendar appointments created for you directly to your calendar.

You can link your calendar with the following steps:

  • Go to  "Settings" by choosing the settings gear icon from the bottom left of the screen (or clicking on your initials at the top right) and then choose "Sync Calendar" under "Personal Settings"

  • Follow the calendar directions for your particular calendar. Google calendars are synced individually by each user, while Outlook Sync is done by an admin user and then gets applied company-wide for the calendars of every user. 
  • When you first sync your calendar it can take about 24 hours for everything to process and match up
  • If you have any questions or problems syncing your calendar feel free to reach out to us at

Can I invite non-Trakstar Hire users to interviews?

Yes! You can type in the email address of a non-user in the "Interviewers" field. They will receive an invite, as well as a link to a limited view of the candidate's profile.

Questions? Feel free to reach out at any time!

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