How to add your company's work location / work addresses to your company's account

What is this feature?

Within Hire, you can add your company's work address(es).  These allow us to pinpoint better where your jobs are inside the cities you pick for your job openings.

Why is this useful? 

Our radius search feature makes it easier for candidates to pinpoint the exact location of an opening - and you need to set up work addresses to enable this feature.

For example - you may be hiring in Seattle, Washington - but what part of Seattle would matter to a candidate if they relied on public transit or walking to work.

Where do I set this up?

Any account Super Admins can set these addresses up via Settings > Company Settings > Work AddressesHere you can manage your existing addresses (and the openings assigned to them) or click "Add work address" to add a new address:

How do I use the addresses once set up at an account level? 

Once you build these addresses for your account, you can attach them to any job openings to indicate which work location applies to this particular role.  For example, we have two offices - one in Seattle and one in Denver - in our case, we'd want to apply the correct address to the jobs to make sure folks know where the job is located. 

You can do this either in bulk, from the address page in settings, or by clicking edit beside an address:

One by one, on each opening during opening creation:

Or when editing existing openings: 

How is this different than the city/state I am already picking when building a job opening?

This location allows your team to pinpoint exactly where the job is located, which will be key for our upcoming features allowing candidates to search by a distance from a particular zip code. If you pick a work location, we'll auto-fill the location box for the opening on your behalf. 

What if my roles are remote, or I don't want to share the address?

That's fine, too! This feature is optional.

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